The Marshmallow Animal Shelter
Kennel License: MN182901
1478 Mallard Street
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
(218) 847-9040
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Date of Birth: *
Please provide name and address for your current employer: *
Full legal name and date of birth for other adults residing in home:*
Name of animal that interests you or you may leave blank: Choose an animal: Ali Anse, ALIVIA, Lambrini Anse, Alivia, LAMBRINI ANSE, Alivia, Lambrini Ant Apple Aria Ash ASTER & Pansy (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Aster & PANSY (Bonded Pair) and Aster & PANSY (Bonded Pair)) Aster & PANSY (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with ASTER & Pansy (Bonded Pair) and ASTER & Pansy (Bonded Pair)) Atlas Axel Bandit Barry Bean Benji Blake Booker Boss Brock Carlton CHECKERS & Bartholomew (Besties) Checkers & BARTHOLOMEW (Besties) Chrome Cinder Cole Cookie Copper DANTE & Peggy (must be adopted with Dante & PEGGY and Dante & PEGGY) Dante & PEGGY (must be adopted with DANTE & Peggy and DANTE & Peggy) Daphne DARCY & Ken Darcy & KEN Davy DELILAH & Dexter (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Delilah & DEXTER (Bonded Pair) and Delilah & DEXTER (Bonded Pair)) Delilah & DEXTER (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with DELILAH & Dexter (Bonded Pair) and DELILAH & Dexter (Bonded Pair)) Dextra & YODA (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with DEXTRA & Yoda (Bonded Pair) and DEXTRA & Yoda (Bonded Pair)) DEXTRA & Yoda (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Dextra & YODA (Bonded Pair) and Dextra & YODA (Bonded Pair)) Dottie EVE & Hallow (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Eve & HALLOW (Bonded Pair) and Eve & HALLOW (Bonded Pair)) Eve & HALLOW (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with EVE & Hallow (Bonded Pair) and EVE & Hallow (Bonded Pair)) FRIEDA & Ronny (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Frieda & RONNY(Bonded Pair) and Frieda & RONNY(Bonded Pair)) Frieda & RONNY(Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with FRIEDA & Ronny (Bonded Pair) and FRIEDA & Ronny (Bonded Pair)) Furby & EMMETT (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with FURBY & Emmett (Bonded Pair) and FURBY & Emmett (Bonded Pair)) FURBY & Emmett (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Furby & EMMETT (Bonded Pair) and Furby & EMMETT (Bonded Pair)) GHOST & Casper (Bonded pair) (must be adopted with Ghost & CASPER (Bonded pair) and Ghost & CASPER (Bonded pair)) Ghost & CASPER (Bonded pair) (must be adopted with GHOST & Casper (Bonded pair) and GHOST & Casper (Bonded pair)) Glinda Hammy Hank Harmony Holly Jack Jersey Lola❤️Barn or Shop Kitty Lucia Maciera & MARCEL (must be adopted with MACIERA & Marcel and MACIERA & Marcel) MACIERA & Marcel (must be adopted with Maciera & MARCEL and Maciera & MARCEL) Magic Malificent aka Maley Marie May Mayflower Melba & NELLIE (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with MELBA & Nellie (Bonded Pair) and MELBA & Nellie (Bonded Pair)) MELBA & Nellie (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Melba & NELLIE (Bonded Pair) and Melba & NELLIE (Bonded Pair)) MOIRA & Mulligan Moira & MULLIGAN Momma Mia*Barn or Shop Kitty* Nichole & NICK (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with NICHOLE & Nick (Bonded Pair) and NICHOLE & Nick (Bonded Pair)) NICHOLE & Nick (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Nichole & NICK (Bonded Pair) and Nichole & NICK (Bonded Pair)) Noelle NORTH & Geo (must be adopted with North & GEO and North & GEO) North & GEO (must be adopted with NORTH & Geo and NORTH & Geo) Pepper Pierce & MERYL (must be adopted with PIERCE & Meryl and PIERCE & Meryl) PIERCE & Meryl (must be adopted with Pierce & MERYL and Pierce & MERYL) Poppy Puda RILEY & Viola ❤️(Bonded Shop/Barn Pair) (must be adopted with Riley & VIOLA ❤️(Bonded Shop/Barn Pair) and Riley & VIOLA ❤️(Bonded Shop/Barn Pair)) Riley & VIOLA ❤️(Bonded Shop/Barn Pair) (must be adopted with RILEY & Viola ❤️(Bonded Shop/Barn Pair) and RILEY & Viola ❤️(Bonded Shop/Barn Pair)) Rose Shelby❤️Barn or Shop Kitty Stellan & LEONIE (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with STELLAN & Leonie (Bonded Pair) and STELLAN & Leonie (Bonded Pair)) STELLAN & Leonie (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Stellan & LEONIE (Bonded Pair) and Stellan & LEONIE (Bonded Pair)) TAYLOR & Sky (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Taylor & SKY (Bonded Pair) and Taylor & SKY (Bonded Pair)) Taylor & SKY (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with TAYLOR & Sky (Bonded Pair) and TAYLOR & Sky (Bonded Pair)) Trey & TRINITY (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with TREY & Trinity (Bonded Pair) and TREY & Trinity (Bonded Pair)) TREY & Trinity (Bonded Pair) (must be adopted with Trey & TRINITY (Bonded Pair) and Trey & TRINITY (Bonded Pair)) Trolli Vin Whiskey Zara
Please explain why you are interested in adopting an animal from our shelter: *
Please list the Name, Address and Phone Number(s) for your current veterinarian. Please also list any past veterinarians that can provide information regarding your ability to care for a pet: *
Please list (3) references that can provide information regarding your history with animals. Please list their relationship to you, phone number and email address: *
Please choose the type of home you live in and where the animal would reside: * Choose one: Apartment Assisted Living Condominium Duplex Farm Military Housing Mobile Home Single Family Townhouse Other
Do you own or rent your home? Please note that we do verify this so please be honest: * Choose one: Rent Own
If you do not own your home, please list the name of the owner/landlord/leasing company/etc. along with their phone number so that we may contact them to verify that pets are allowed. This also applies if you live with your parents/grandparents/guardians/etc. as we must make sure that animals are allowed:
Do you live within the city limits? * Choose one: Yes No
Are there pet restrictions or city codes regarding pets in your town/city? (Limit of pets per home, licensing, etc.)*
Would you be willing to have a scheduled home visit?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you have a yard?* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
Please select fence type:* Choose one: Chain Link Invisible Privacy Other No Fence
Please provide the ages of any children that live in the home or routinely visit:*
Please describe the activity and noise level in your home: *
Please list all animals in your home and on your property. Please include Name, Species, Breed, Age, Spayed or Neutered, Disposition, Length of Time in your home, any Special Needs.*
Please tell us about any animals from the past 5 years that are no longer in your home or under your care: *
Please describe how you intend to introduce a new pet to others in the home, such as adults, kids or current pets?*
Where would your new pet live, play, sleep, etc.?*
How long would your new pet be alone at home on a regular basis and where would the new pet be kept during this period of time?*
Does your occupation require you to travel? If yes, please explain the frequency and how you plan to care for your new pet during your absence. *
Are you willing to give your new pet the time and patience to become accustomed to new surroundings, routines, people/animals? * Choose one: Yes No
If your adopted pet exhibits extreme behavioral or adjustment issues, do you agree to contact our shelter immediately to discuss the situation?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you understand and agree that if for any reason you are unable to care for your adopted pet, you will be under obligation and contract to contact the Marshmallow Animal Shelter as soon as possible to arrange for the pet to be returned to the shelter? Rehoming, selling, giving away, etc. of an adopted pet from the Marshmallow Animal Shelter is NOT ALLOWED. * Choose one: Yes No
Will you commit to providing a safe home for a dog's potential life span of 10-14 years?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you agree to provide access to veterinary care for your adopted pet, including following vaccination requirements, yearly exams, etc. as instructed by your veterinarian?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to commit to paying for possible emergency veterinary care for your adopted pet which could result in a bill of $200-$1000 or more?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to pay for pet expenses including toys, training, grooming, food, etc.?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you understand the importance of providing enrichment toys and routine playtime with your dog to avoid boredom and destructive behavior such as inappropriate chewing, barking, etc.? * Choose one: Yes No
Would you be willing to enroll in obedience classes? * Choose one: Yes No
Please explain how you intend to train your rescued dog to refrain from potential behavior such as excessive barking, chewing plants or furniture, inappropriate elimination, rough play/mouthing, etc. *
Do you have experience caring for a shelter pet? * Choose one: Yes No
Have you ever had a pet stolen, given a pet away, surrendered/returned it to a shelter or rescue group? If yes, please explain.*
Have you ever been ticketed for an animal issue, convicted of cruelty to animals, or had an animal removed from your care? Please include details in your explanation.*
Have you ever ADOPTED a pet from the Marshmallow Animal Shelter, Lucky Dog (the previous shelter), or from another rescue, shelter or humane society in Minnesota, North Dakota or Wisconsin? If yes, please list where you adopted the animal, the animal's name, and the approximate date of adoption. *
Type of pet you are seeking:
Do you have an age preference?*
Do you have an energy level preference?*
How did you learn about our shelter? * Choose one: Facebook Marshmallow Website PetFinder Website Online PetSmart Store Newspaper Radio Word of Mouth You are a Previous Adopter Other
If you chose other, please indicate how you learned about our shelter:
Would you like to be added to our email list? * Choose one: Yes No
I give permission for any veterinarian to release current and past information on any and all of my pets to the Marshmallow Animal Shelter. * Choose one: Yes No
I give permission for the Marshmallow Animal Shelter to contact references, etc. to verify the information I have provided. * Choose one: Yes No
I understand that a minimum of (1) visit to the Marshmallow Animal Shelter will be required for any adoption unless other arrangements are agreed upon with the shelter manager.* Choose one: Yes No
I understand and agree that if my application is approved, I must bring a flat collar (non-buckle) and a non-retractable six foot leash with me when I come to pick up my new family member. I also understand that it is highly recommended to bring a friend along to help carry items, keep the dog calm in the car during the ride home, etc. * Choose one: Yes No
I understand that the Marshmallow Animal Shelter has the right to deny any application for any reason which may not be made known to me.* Choose one: Yes No
Print full legal name which will serve as your signature and certify that information is accurate to the best of your knowledge.*